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Sprint Football

Sprint Football

146 Supporters
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Give to the Army Sprint Football Team Fund

Contributions to the team fund help to provide immediate support. These dollars are not invested but are readily available for use to allow greater flexibility for a team on a day-to-day basis. Team funds are critical for the health of a sport program and help provide the following:

  • Facility Enhancements (Locker Room, Stadium, Team Room)
  • Player Development (Equipment, Leadership, Nutrition, Training Aids)
  • Recruiting
  • Team Travel (out-of-region and out-of-season competition, training trips, foreign trips)
  • Technology Improvements (Video/Editing Software)

Why Give?

Your support continues to ensure we provide an extraordinary Division 1 cadet-athlete experience.

A message from Head Coach, Mark West

The one thing I have learned during my tenure as head coach is that our cadet-athletes cannot do it alone. Your generosity throughout the years allows us to maintain a Margin of Excellence that is second to none. Our players deserve to have a first-class Division I football experience and with your support we can provide it. Former players of the 150s/Sprint football teams sacrificed for each other and the good of the team during their playing days and have continued to do so for the past 65 years. The sacrifice has resulted in not only 36 league championships and 15 perfect seasons, but it has also created a family of over 2,000 Alumni who truly understand what it takes to win both on and off the fields of friendly strife.

Ways to Give

  • Give online today!
  • Mutual Funds & Stocks
  • DAF Pay
  • Please contact the Army A Club at 845.938.2322 or the West Point Association of Graduates at 845.446.1657 for more details.
  • Click HERE for more information!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!